Shut The Front Door!

So I decided to take the plunge and paint our front door! We built this house about 4 years ago and the paint on the door was starting to show its age! Of course the two “guard” dogs and 3 kids didn’t help the situation either!

I really didn’t mind the black door, but I felt the need for some color! So I took my sample board of Duck Egg (Annie Sloan Chalk Paint) to Benjamin Moore and had them color match it for me. I chose their Regal Select brand in Soft Gloss, it went on like a dream! They did such a great job color matching, the color was a dead on match from my sample!



Blue painted front door

I am over the moon thrilled with not only the door color but the combination of the copper and the blue!

Blue painted front door

I used Rustoleum’s Aged Copper spray to update the door hardware. I sprayed the knob and lock in place but removed the knocker and kick plate. The combination makes me smile every time I see it!

I think this was my Spring spruce up project… I still have my annuals to plant, but with this freakish weather I want to be sure that we are done with frost! After looking at this picture I also think I will need to change to color of my “S”, I liked it on the black but on the blue it just disappears… oh well, I’ll add that project to the “list”!

Have a great rest of the week… if you’re in the Southeast like me enjoy the warm weather!

Until next time!

My Signature

Linking up to these parties!
Domestically Speaking, French Country Cottage, My Romantic Home, Redoux Interiors, From My Front Porch to Yours, Miss Mustard Seed

Domestically Speaking


  1. Very nice!! You and I certainly think alike … I have a Valspar match for Duck Egg that I used on my kitchen door … inside AND outside. Nothing much better than a good blue green against brick!


  2. Hi Susan, I would never have considered that color blue with used brick but it is wonderful. The copper really pulls the color from the bricks into the vingette. The black was sophisticated but the blue is so welcoming…just what a front door should be. Ooo, la, la!

    Smiles from My Slice of Provence, Charlotte Des Fleurs


  3. wow – what an amazing difference a bit of paint and color makes !!! I think the silver “S” looks great on the new door color. It was lost on the black but now…………the whole doorway is very striking.


  4. I love this! There’s nothing cuter than a colored door and you picked absolutely the right color! And the kick plate is great! You really nailed it!
    I nominated you for the Versatile Blogger Award.
    You can learn all about it on my blog.
    Keep rockin’ it!
    Ashley Rane Sparks


  5. Oh my goodness! That’s super cute in blue with the coppery updates. You do beautiful work Susan
    Visiting you from Miss Mustard Seed. I’m 66. Drab to Fab French Provencial 🙂


  6. Hi Susan,

    I would like to repaint our front door, (we recently moved in) and I’m not sure where to start? It’s a typical front door (tract housing) and I would like to give it a stressed look….I don’t like Country Chic. I want to paint the door a deep Teal and have some stressed areas. I have been looking at Laurence on Pinterest and really like her blog…but there are only pictures, not a blog for showing “how to”.
    Any helpful hints/ideas you could share with me? Do I paint the door first then add a darker color(s) to show stress? Do I need to sand the door completely and lastly what product would I use to “age” the door?

    I appreciate any advice you might have!


    1. Hey Carli!
      I will try to help! First of all I would remove any loose paint, clean it really good with TSP and prime if necessary. I would get a VERY good quality paint, I prefer Benjamin Moore, I used a 1.5″ brush and a foam roller to paint my door, working section by section brush first, roll last. If I were trying to achieve a distressed or aged look I would use stain to age it… wipe on, wipe off leaving some stain in the cracks… move quickly, stain removes stain so if you “mess” up just put more stain on it… this won’t work after it is completely dry though. I would practice this technique and the look on a piece of board first… have fun, but practice first 😉 Thanks for contacting me!


  7. Question if you have time-I have a front door very similar to yours and have just recently discovered Annie Sloan paint. At the store where they sell it they stated I could use it directly on my front door if I used a lacquer spray first. They also said no wax needed afterwards. Do you think this will work as that is an awful lot of work if it just needs regular paint.


    1. I would not use chalk paint on the exterior of the house unless you seal it afterwards with poly or a clear spray protectant of some sort. You may have seen my post where I just had the paint color matched… It was easy, but it’s up to you… Hope this helps!


  8. Your door looks amazing! I’m wanting to update my door hardware and would love to spray paint the handle and lock without removing them, just as you did. How did you protect your door while you spray painted your hardware?


    1. Thanks so much Jenni! I used Press and Seal food wrapping paper a,d just pressed it on the door and taped around the knob. I did have some wear on the back of the knob so I had to take it off a couple of weeks ago so I could paint the back better… Just so you know! Good luck!


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